J Nat Fish Univ 56(1) 1-177 (2007)
北浦 浩,中村公彦,宮内秀幸,横田恵司 1-9
高本孝子 11-20
安田秀一 21-32
森元映治,平雄一郎,中村 誠 33-37
・「Temperance Union」は何故「矯風会」と訳されたのか−日本キリスト教婦人矯風会誕生当時におけるtemperanceという単語の翻訳を巡る議論とその歴史的背景
小川 真和子 39-46
岸本充史,安田秀一,鬼塚 剛,高島創太郎,湯浅豊年 47-60
桐原隆弘 61-74
最首太郎 75-81
Proceedings of 11th Pukyong National University − National Fisheries University Symposium
・Distribution and Horizontal Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance Gene in Marine
Manabu Furushita and Tsuneo Shiba 85-89
・Possible Involvement of Prostaglandin(s) and cAMP, not NO/cGMP, in the Mechanism of Carp Thrombocyte Aggregation
Teruo Matsushita and Ryusuke Tanaka 91-98
・Antioxidative Activity of Puffer Fish Sauce (Review)
Kazuki Harada, Toshimichi Maeda, Masato Honda,
Tsuyoshi Kawahara, Miki Tamaru and Tsuneo Shiba 99-105
・Lipid Peroxide Levels and Accumulation of Hydroxy Lipids in Live Fish with
Oxidative Stress
Ryusuke Tanaka 107-118
Proceedings of 12th National Fisheries University − Pukyong National
University Symposium
・Seaweed Biotechnology: Sustainable Development of Diverse Biologically
Active Substances from Seaweeds
Yong-Ki Hongs 121-124
・Anthocyanins Inhibit Lipogenesis during Adipocyte Differentiation of 3T3-L1
Bong-Gi Lee, Jae-Soo Choi and Hyeung-Rak Kim 125-134
・Oxidation of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids & Antioxidative Action of
Astaxanthin in Krill (Eupausia superba)
Sang-Cheol Oh, Jin-Young Ahn, Yu-Jin Jang, Seon-Bong Kim and Yang-Bong
Lee 135-142
・Development of Fermentative Fertilizer from Fish-Meal Wastewater
Joong-Kyun Kim, Jeong-Bo Kim and Soo-Kyoung Jeong 143-152
・Cloning and Characterization of Bacterial Gene Involved in Chlorothalonil-Biotransformation
Young-Mog Kim 153-160
・Characterization of Metalloprotease from Vibrio mimicus and Determination of Substrate Binding Site
Jong-Hee Lee, Sun-Hee Ahn and In-Soo Kong 161-169
・Production and Characterization of Polyclonal Antibody against Recombinant
ORFs of Rock Bream Iridovirus (RBIV)
Yun-Im Kim and Sung-Koo Kim 171-177