・An Analysis of the Catch Records of the Alaska Pollack Trawling−1
Hiroshi MAEDA 1-20
・Working Time of Danish Seiners during Alaska Pollack Fishery−11
Hiroshi MAEDA and Shiro MINAMI 21-45
・An Analysis of the Catch Records of the Trawling Assisted by the Electronic Devices−2
Yutaka NAKADA 47-65
・Classification and Communities of the Zooplankton in the South-Western Pacific Ocean, with Special Reference to Copepods
Takuo CHIBA and Kazumasa HIRAKAWA 67-80
・An Ecological Study on the Fishes Stranded upon the Beach of Northern Kyushu
Osame TABETA 81-151
河内正通 153-161
上田 正 163-170
金岡 浩 171-184
家永道生 185-191